How to Survive the Full Moon Party

Rumour has it, the first Full Moon (not so) party is said to have been improvised on the Haad Rin somewhere in the '80s. Back then, the house party on the beach was relatively small and straightforward. A few hippies and backpackers gathered around a bonfire, playing the guitars, high on weed and chattering over a few beers. That one night became a monthly ritual, like a voyagers meetup on that secluded island.
As words traveled, more people showed up. Eventually, the small gathering became larger and turned into a bigger crowd. The 90's rave influence landed on the island. By the millennium, this party became one of the holiday destinations in Thailand, attracting young crowds from all over the world to Koh Phangan, where the party was held. The number of arrivals has only gotten intense since then. Today, 30,000 people attend this party every month, turning the 800-meter beach into a full-blown party house.

More and more people set their foot on the island without a good clue what to expect from the party. So here it is, the almost (complete) guide on how to survive through the maniac night of Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan!
The Full Moon Party takes place every month throughout the year. There is a vast spectrum of music ranging from psytrance to drum and bass to reggae.
Let's check out all the dates for the 2020 and 2021 Full Moon Party. Unfortunately, some of the dates are not available until further notice due to Covid 19 outbreak.

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Let's get down to Tips and Tricks.
1- Land your as* early on the island!
Suppose you arrive in Thailand and have plenty of time to spare for sightseeing, why not consider going to the island of Koh Phangan 2 or 3 days early. Being an early bird will help you save a lot, especially when running on a shoestring budget. It also secures you a place to stay but a less hectic day of traveling, plus it definitely gives you more options upon arrival. Rushing while traveling is the last thing you want; spare the rush for something else!
2- Book your accommodation in advance
The worst could happen when you arrive in a foreign place is to know that you don't have a place to sleep. We all know when a small island huddles a massive number of travelers, things can be out of control.

When you try to book a place to stay or extend a night, everything could be overbooked. If you are lucky enough to find a place to crash in, the price maybe triples the standard rate. Unless you want to camp on the beach, then you can choose not to book anything before arrival.
Pssst...Some places require up to 5 nights of booking during peak time.
3- Explore the island avoid lazy bum hostel
I have met a few travelers who just came to Koh Phangan for that one night of the Full Moon Party. They leave the next morning and go utterly clueless about what the island has to offer. Coming to the island is already a frenetic journey from airplane to bus to ferry and tuk-tuk. So why not add extra time to explore the island for a day or two. Koh Phangan is so blessed with nature, reserve parks, waterfalls, culinary, and cultures. That is what makes the island so unique and lively.
4- Get enough rest before the party
Conserve your energy for the big day. Go slow. Trust me. You will need an extra battery to keep your booty and body moving all night long! Haad Rin is no joke in size, a long stretch of golden sandy beaches filled with unlimited party booths where DJs play different music genres. There's a vast spectrum of music ranging from trance to drum and bass to reggae. The party takes place in many clubs along the Haad Rin beach. This is the one night that you shouldn't go "Cinderella," forget the 12 o'clock. If you plan to join the after-party, then you have to survive the whole night till the next morning. When the sun rises, the after-party will start somewhere away from the crowd.
5- Get Dress and do face/chest/bum painting. Go wild!
Get in the mood, imagine your Coachella outfit. Dress up in a bright shocking color of Koh Phangan's t-shirt, complete your look with some drawings of glow in the dark paints on your face and body. Go wild! Be creative and silly! Don't worry so much about how you look because 30k thousand people on the same beach stretch won't care about it. Own the night with style.
6- Don't come too early to the party, Bummer!
Even though the party opens at 6 pm, don't be fooled because you shouldn't arrive until 9 or 10 pm if you want to stay up until the morning. Crowds only get massive after midnight. So coming early to the party is a big no, no! This is not an office meeting where you have to go early to punch attendance cards. Get yourself ready in the Hostel, usually a big hostel will throw a cheat-party before everyone's head to Haad Rin. Get a proper dinner and start mingling around. Don't be a loner, as the party will be a lot of fun with some new friends you have met from the Hostel.
7. Know your rules - Be careful with substances
Even if drugs are accessible on the island, forbid yourself from consuming or buying. Drug laws are strict in Thailand, and police enforcement is stepped up during the parties. There are undercover police on patrol, and even the drug dealers themselves may report drug users to police. Please don't take an enormous risk and get yourself and your friends in trouble. Getting arrested for carrying illegal drugs doesn't look like something someone wants to include in their itinerary.
8- Bring enough money, phone, but nothing else
We all know how excited you are with all the party gear! But, let's be real, take only memories, and leave only footprints. It is ubiquitous to misplace things when you are unaware of your surroundings, or worse, someone could steal your valuables while you are half sober dancing. It's a massive crowd; anything can happen. The safest way to do it is not to bring any valuables to the party.
9- Avoid drinking from random people's bucket
Even when you are dancing over the top of the world, don't be reckless and accept anything to eat, drink, or take other items from complete strangers.

Although this might seem really obvious, many people keep making this mistake. I had this one experience with a friend who passed out just a few minutes after consuming someone's bucket. The party ends early for her, and someone had to babysit her the entire night. That's not a good memory of FMP! Thoughts, she got drugged.
10- Skip Jumping Rope
Skip jump roping, as enticing, it might seem for someone to tell you they are going to put some gasoline on a rope and light it on fire and then play a game of jump rope with a bunch of drunk strangers that you are not sure about their jump roping skills sober, nonetheless their balance when they are drunk;

It is definitely a recipe set up for disaster, the outcomes are risky, and someone might end up burned LITERALLY!! This is probably not what you want to remember from a vacation you've had in Thailand, don't be foolish and end up in the hospital.
If you are partying with a group of friends, take care of each other if you are there by yourself, then take care of your own health and watch out for people around you. Just because it is a party on a beach doesn't mean that you should let your guard down; things might get out of hand sometimes.
Now Have fun and uncaged your party spirit!
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So nice to read warms advices on the full moon party. I like the be safe, but have fun style.
I was at a full moon couple years ago. It was a wild/amazing experience, wish people can try it